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Camera Battery Memory Card Case K&F Concept (KF31.079)


Camera Battery Memory Card Case K&F Concept (KF31.079)

8,92 €
7,43 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: SB8384

Kód produktu: 113452270

Váha: 0,185 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

K&F Concept battery and memory card case (KF31.079)
The K&F Concept case is an indispensable accessory for any photographer, providing safe storage and transportation of your essential accessories. It will easily hold up to 12 different types of memory cards, as well as up to 8 AA/AAA batteries or 2 digital camera batteries. It is extremely resistant to wear and tear, so you can rest assured that your valuable accessories are fully protected while in transit.
All your accessories in one place
You no longer have to worry about lack of storage space for your memory cards and batteries! The case can hold up to 4 SD cards, 2 CF cards or 2 XDQ cards, 6 Micro SD (TF) cards and 8 AA/AAA batteries or 2 digital camera batteries.
This ensures that you ll always have enough power and space with you to store your important data during your photographic expeditions.
Safety in all conditions
Made of durable ABS and lined with a thermoplastic rubber material, the case is designed for maximum protection. Sealed and weatherproof, it protects your batteries and memory cards from water, dust and debris for comprehensive protection.
With attention to detail
The slots are perfectly aligned with the memory cards and batteries, preventing them from sliding around inside the case. This ensures that your accessories are safe and protected from damage. What s more, the ergonomic closure system makes it easy to open and close the case, while guaranteeing complete security for your equipment.
K&F Concept
15.5 x 8.4 x 3.1 cm

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