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Casio FX-87DE CW


Casio FX-87DE CW

30,14 €
25,12 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: FX-87DE CW

Kód produktu: 104257535

Výrobce: CASIO

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Casio FX-87DE CW

Scientific calculator with FULL DOT display and 580 functions
The innovative operation and menu-based navigation simplify the use of the calculator for students. Shortcuts and key combinations are largely dispensed with. To this end, the functions have been expanded to include the Maths Box (for dice and coin tossing experiments). The maths box can be used to simulate dice and coin tossing experiments. The relative frequencies of the sums can be listed.



63 x 192 FULL DOT 
Natural display 
Algebraic input logic: Natural-V.P.A.M. 
Number of characters/lines: 17/1+10/1 
Icon Menu 
Display with 4 shades of grey 
Display mantissa - exponent: 10+2 


Repeat function 
9 variable memories 


580 functions 
47 scientific constants 
164 unit conversions 
24 bracket levels 
Angle measurements DEG/RAD/GRAD 
Conversions between >DEG/>RAD/>GRAD 
Coordinate conversion pole ÷ rec 
trigonometric functions sin/cos/tan/sin-1/cos-1/tan-1 
hyperbolic functions sinh/cosh/tanh/sinh-1/cosh-1/tanh-1 
Exponent, log, In, 10x, ex 
mathematical functions ?, x2, x-1, 1/x, x!, xy, x1/y 
calculations in base n (hexadecimal/decimal/binary/octal) 
logical operators (AND/Or..) 
Calculations in the sexagesimal system 
Percentage calculation 
remainder function 
prime factorisation 
technical notation ENG/ENG 
Calculation with technical symbols 
Random number generator 
Integer random numbers 
ggT/kgV function 
Verify function 
Table of values: f(x) & g(x) 
Periodic decimal fraction 


Summation of ?x, ?x2, 
Standard deviations f. grouped and ungrouped values 
Distribution functions (normal distribution, inverse normal distribution, 
binomial distribution, Poisson distribution) 
Regression analysis 
Permutation (nPr), combinatorics (nCr) 
Maths Box (random experiments with coins and dice). 


German menu language 
QR code function 
Automatic switch-off 
Power supply: solar + battery (1x LR 044) 
Dimensions (H x W x D in mm) 10.7 x 77 x 162 
Weight 95g
Způsob provozu: Baterie / solar
Baterie: 1x LR44
Solární provoz: ano
Míst na displeji: 17/1 + 10/1
Paměťové klávesy: 9
Funkce tisku: ne
vypínací automatika: ano
Typ: kalkulačka
Barva: černá
Materiál pouzdra: Plast
Šířka (mm): 77
Výška (mm): 10,7
Hloubka (mm): 162
Hmotnost (g): 95

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