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Elgato Stream Deck XL


Elgato Stream Deck XL

294,9 €
245,75 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Ano, centrál. sklad 🛈

Part no.: GAMEAOSTR0015

Kód produktu: 89093760

Výrobce: CORSAIR

Váha: 1,198 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Stream Deck XL

Extra Large for Extra Control
Stream Deck XL puts even more creative power at your fingertips. Meaning you get more studio-level control to optimize your content. More access to time-saving integrations. More scope to boost your production value. More of everything that keeps your stream fresh, and your audience hooked.

Sets the Benchmark Even Higher
An expanded 8x4 grid provides a grand total of 32 LCD keys, each sporting crisp resolution and fluid playback. Easily customize them all with static or dynamic icons. Enjoy one-touch tactile control like never before. Get instant visual feedback to confirm your every command. And tap with confidence thanks to a non-slip magnetic stand that holds solid at the perfect angle.

Your Streaming Centerpiece
Start streaming. Adjust audio levels and mute your mic. Tweak lighting. Switch cameras. Apply lower thirds. Change scenes. Activate your intermission screen. Trigger onscreen videos, images, GIFs and soundbites. And wrap up with your signature outro. When it comes to advanced live production, Stream Deck XL gives you supreme creative control.

Seamlessly Integrated
Elgato Game Capture, OBS, Streamlabs, Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, and more. Stream Deck XL integrates your tools and automatically detects your scenes, media, and audio sources. So you can directly orchestrate your stream on the fly. And engage your social networks at the perfect moment.

Works with Your Entire System
Hotkey actions make keyboard shortcuts so last century. Now, you launch apps and websites, open folders, access pre-composed texts – even streamline your video editing, graphic design, or audio production workflow – without second guessing. Because you know exactly where your macros are, and they’ve never looked better.

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