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Ermenrich Reel GE40 Laser-Messgerät


Ermenrich Reel GE40 Laser-Messgerät

26,72 €
21,72 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom, dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: 83075

Kód produktu: 110747724

Výrobce: Ermenrich

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Způsob provozu: Baterie
Napětí baterie (V): 1,5
Typ baterie / aku: AAA (Micro)
Potřebný počet: 2
Battery(ies) included in scope of delivery: ne
vypínací automatika: ano
Displej: ano
Laserová dioda (nm): 620 - 690
Dosah (m): 0,05 - 40
Funkce paměti: ano
Počet uložených hodnot: 99
Typ: Laserový dálkoměr
Barva: červená / černá
Rozměry: 115 x 50 x 23
Hmotnost (g): 82

Ermenrich Reel GE40 laser measuring device

The Ermenrich Reel GE40 laser measuring device is a practical, multifunctional measuring instrument for building, repair and construction work. With its help, you can measure distances of up to 40 metres and calculate areas, volumes and angles. If you need to measure under difficult conditions, the Pythagorean theorem helps you to calculate the distance from intermediate measurements.

The display shows 4 lines of high-contrast, easy-to-read figures. The integrated memory stores up to 99 groups of previous measurements. The device is powered by standard AAA batteries. One set of batteries lasts for approximately 5,000 measurements. To save energy, the laser switches off automatically after 30 seconds and the device switches off after 180 seconds. There is a battery level indicator.

The meter allows you to take single or continuous measurements, add and subtract measurement results and change the point from which the distance is measured.


Distance measurement in the range from 0.05 to 40 metres 
Measurement of angles, areas and volumes; function of the Pythagorean theorem 
Single distance measurement mode or continuous scan measurement mode 
4-line display, simple button control 
Up to 5,000 measurements with one set of batteries 

Technical data:

Type: Laser 
Mode measure individual distance 
Scanning mode 
Measuring range: 0.05-40 
Units (Length): m, ft, in 
Measurement accuracy:  2 
Angle measurements 
Measure area 
Units of measurement (area): m2, sq. 
Measure volume 
Units (volume): m3, cu ft, cu in. 
Function Pythagoras set 
Addition and Subtraction 
Reference point: rear/front (top/bottom) 
Buzzer display 
Laser target marker: Class 2, <1 mW, 620-690 nm 
Automatic switch-off of the laser beam/device: 30/180 seconds 
Number of lines of the display: 4 
Historical data: 99 groups 
Display at low battery level 
Power source: 2x AAA batteries (not included) 
Battery life: > 5,000 measurements 
Temperature range, °C: 0 to +40 

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