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Filtre K&F Concept CPL+ND8+ND16 Kit pre DJI Air 3


Filtre K&F Concept CPL+ND8+ND16 Kit pre DJI Air 3

32,72 €
27,27 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: SKU.2065V1

Kód produktu: 113452088

Váha: 0,076 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

K&F Concept CPL+ND8+ND16 filter set for DJI Air 3
Provide more opportunities to record exceptional aerial shots. The set by K&F Concept includes 3 filters for the DJI Air 3 drone made of high-end AGC optical glass - CPL filter, ND8 filter and ND16 filter. With their help you will easily create a lot of spectacular videos and photos! They are also distinguished by their sturdy, yet lightweight design - don t worry that they will overburden your drone.
An image that will delight you
Now you can effortlessly get the results you dream of while recording. The CPL filter reduces glare, improves color saturation, and highlights white and blue hues. This makes it perfect for landscape photography! On cloudy days you will find the ND8 filter useful, and for recording in ordinary sunlight you can successfully use the ND64 filter.
Improved design
The included filters fit the DJI Air 3 drone perfectly and are very easy to install. In addition, thanks to their lightweight and thin design (thickness of only 6 mm), they do not weigh down the device or affect the stability of its flight. At the same time, they are very durable and scratch-resistant. Also noteworthy is the multi-layer nano-coating, which reduces glare and protects the surface of the filters from water and dust. Keeping them in perfect condition will not be a problem for you!
CPL filter
ND8 filter
ND16 filter
Storage box
K&F Concept
AGC optical glass
DJI Air 3

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