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Filtre K&F Concept ND+UV+CPL Kit for DJI Mini 4 Pro


Filtre K&F Concept ND+UV+CPL Kit for DJI Mini 4 Pro

29,44 €
24,53 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: SKU.2086

Kód produktu: 113452136

Váha: 0,045 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

K&F Concept ND+UV+CPL filter set for DJI Mini 4 Pro
Be prepared for different lighting conditions and create even better shots with your DJI Mini 4 Pro drone. In the set by K&F Concept you will find up to 4 useful filters - MCUV, CPL, ND8 and ND16. They are distinguished by their lightweight and sturdy design, as well as their easy installation, so you ll be ready to fly in no time.
Filters for every occasion
The included filters are perfect for a variety of scenarios. The ND8 filter will be perfect for recording on a partly cloudy day, while the ND16 filter will be a great choice when filming in plain sunlight. The CPL filter, on the other hand, will eliminate glare, improve color saturation and highlight whites and blues, while the MCUV filter will protect the drone s lens from damage and debris.
Thoughtful design
AGC optical glass was used to make the filters, so you can enjoy excellent image quality. You also don t have to worry about the accessories overtaxing your drone and affecting its performance - each of them is extremely lightweight. Also noteworthy is their durable construction. The multi-layer nano-coating effectively protects them from damage, water and dirt - you can easily keep them in great condition.
MCUV filter
CPL filter
ND8 filter
ND16 filter
Storage box
K&F Concept
AGC optical glass
DJI Mini 4 Pro

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