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Flat Network Cable Extension CAT7 Vention ICBBI RJ45 Ethernet 10Gbps 3m Black


Flat Network Cable Extension CAT7 Vention ICBBI RJ45 Ethernet 10Gbps 3m Black

13,6 €
11,33 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: ICBBI

Kód produktu: 113511510

Váha: 0,126 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Vention ICBBI Cat.7 Flat Network Cable Extension 3m Black
Contemporary digital technology requires not only advanced equipment but also suitable tools and accessories that help to fully utilize its potential. The Vention ICBBI network cable extension is a product that combines quality workmanship with efficiency. It meets the needs of users looking for certainty and reliability in everyday use.
High Throughput up to 10 Gbps
With the ability to transmit data at 10 Gbps, the Vention ICBBI extension guarantees smooth and fast operation. This transmission speed is perfect for those who need a stable connection when transferring large files, streaming in high resolution, or engaging in other bandwidth-intensive activities. With this extension, you won t have to worry about delays or interruptions.
Versatile RJ45 Interface
The ICBBI model comes with a universal RJ45 interface, making it compatible with numerous devices. Whether you want to connect a computer, laptop, router, or switch, this extension provides a secure and lasting connection. This means you can be confident that one product can meet many of your needs.
Flat Design for Ease of Use
The flat design of the Vention extension not only adds an aesthetic look but also facilitates installation and organization. This shape allows for the discreet routing of the cable along the floor, wall, or under the carpet, minimizing the risk of tangling and clutter. With a length of 3m, the extension is a practical solution that offers flexibility in setting up your workspace or entertainment system.
3 m
10 Gbps
Computer, laptop, Router, switch, ADSL, etc.

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