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Huanger HE0519 interactive educational panel table


Huanger HE0519 interactive educational panel table

35,3 €
28,7 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: HE0519

Kód produktu: 115695087

Výrobce: Huanger

Váha: 6,36 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Huanger HE0519 interactive educational panel table
Inspire your little one to explore the world with the Huanger HE0519 Interactive Educational Table! This versatile table combines learning with fun, offering a variety of engaging features that encourage creativity and development. With a variety of elements and interactive add-ons, children can enjoy endless fun that supports their cognitive and manual development.
Fun that teaches
The table is equipped with an interactive educational panel that can be easily removed, allowing the child to play with it outside the table as well. The centerpiece of the table is a colorful slide, on which the toddler can watch the balls roll down and into special containers. This type of play develops manual skills and promotes the development of logical thinking. The panel also has three movable cogs that can be set in motion, which helps develop precision of movement and manual skills. Meanwhile, the toucan-shaped piano, which offers various melodies and sounds, further supports the development of musical sensitivity and stimulates the sense of hearing.
Child s age
From 18 months of age
Boy, girl
46 cm x 75 cm x 46 cm

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