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Šikovný dávkovač krmiva CatLink F03 Standard


Šikovný dávkovač krmiva CatLink F03 Standard

133 €
110,83 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Kód produktu: 109896968

Váha: 4,5 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Intelligent CatLink F03 Standard Pet Feeder
Take care of your furry friend in a modern way. The Intelligent CatLink F03 Standard Pet Feeder ensures fresh and healthy meals. It prevents insects from getting to the food and allows you to serve both dry and wet food. One charge allows you to enjoy its reliable operation for 180 days!
Pet Identification
When the feeder is in Induction mode, and your pet wears the included RFID CATLINK tag, it can recognize your four-legged friend. Food is dispensed after the cat s identification. This solution eliminates the risk of food theft when your pet walks away from the bowl.
Always Fresh Food
The bowl cover rotates, protecting the food from insects. Additionally, it is dust-resistant, ensuring that your pet s food is always fresh and free from contaminants.
Large Capacity
The CatLink feeder is equipped with a dual bowl with a total capacity of 400 ml, satisfying your cat s needs for a day. It can hold up to 200 g of dry food. The device is suitable for dispensing both dry and wet food, ensuring a balanced diet.
Cat-Friendly and Owner-Friendly
With its classic design and compact construction, the CatLink feeder will seamlessly fit into your home decor. The device supports various operating modes, including Training, which helps your cat get used to eating, and Night, during which the light is turned off to avoid disturbing household members. Thanks to its quiet operation (40 dB), it won t scare even timid animals. Stable anti-slip mats ensure safe use, and the food-grade ABS material ensures durability.
Long Operating Time
Don t worry about frequent recharging. The CatLink feeder can operate for 180 days on a single charge, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor use during picnics with your pet.
Included in the Package:
Intelligent pet feeder
Collar x2
RFID collar tag x2
User manual x1
Manufacturer CatLink
Model F03 Standard
Bowl Capacity 400 ml
Input 5V=1A
Compatible Batteries AA
Noise Level Up to 40 dB
Material Food-grade HIPS, ABS
Dimensions 240 x 240 x 155 mm
Weight 1.1 kg
For Cats Weighing From 1.5 kg to 10 kg

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