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Šikovný dávkovač krmiva Fresh 2 CatLink F04 PRO


Šikovný dávkovač krmiva Fresh 2 CatLink F04 PRO

117,76 €
98,13 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Kód produktu: 109898021

Váha: 10,067 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Fresh 2 CatLink F04 PRO smart food dispenser
Let Catlink support you in taking care of your pet. The Fresh 2 F04 PRO Intelligent Food Dispenser guarantees a consistent supply of food thanks to its anti-clog design. It offers multi-cat recognition, offline food dispensing, sealing technology and monitoring of your pet s health data with the help of an app. It s also possible to create a feeding schedule tailored to the needs of a cat or small dog. Maintenance of the device will not be a hassle and you can power it in 2 ways. The capacity of the food tank is as much as 4 liters.
Reliable assistant in feeding
Be sure that your pet is not hungry while you are away. The Catlink dispenser monitors the bowl and automatically refills the food when the amount drops below 10 grams. With the ability to set feeding times and the number of servings, you can customize your pet s diet. The 4-liter capacity allows you to accommodate up to 2 kg of food, which is enough to provide an adult cat with meals for 20 days. This allows you to go out of town without worries.
Two ways to power up
Catlink makes sure to provide your beloved pet with meals in any situation - including during power outages or internet connection problems. The dispenser supports Offline mode, in which it guarantees the supply of food, but does not save feeding data. You can power the device with 4 AA alkaline batteries (to be purchased separately), among others.
Monitor your pet s diet with the app
The app provides access to detailed information on how your pet s diet is going. An infrasound sensor accurately detects an approaching cat, while a gravity sensor records every gram of food consumed. An advanced algorithm monitors and analyzes your pet s health 24/7, and alerts you to detected abnormalities. The app also provides low-food alerts and informs you when food is blocked. From it, you will set up a feeding schedule, choose the times at which food is to be served, and set the number of servings. You can also set up a child lock function to eliminate the risk of accidentally starting the dispenser. The device supports OTA updates - so you will always benefit from the latest features.
Adapted to the needs of several cats
Taking care of several cats? Catlink is at the ready to meet their needs. An advanced cat recognition algorithm works with CATLINK s RFID tag, and a special barrier prevents multiple cats from absorbing food at the same time, eliminating the risk of animal aggression.
Refined and thoughtful design
Opt for a dispenser that keeps food fresh. The silicone seals that the Fresh 2 is equipped with guarantee insulation from air and moisture, preventing mold. The automatic closing of the extraction opening protects against insects, and the built-in container with desiccant is responsible for the freshness of each serving. You also don t have to worry about the risk of food jams and blockages, the size of which does not exceed 16 mm. In addition, the bowl is made of pet-safe materials, and the tilt at an angle of 7° makes it easier for your pet to eat. Disassembly and cleaning of the device are done efficiently and effortlessly, and the cable is bite-proof.
food dispenser
collar x2
tag x2
user manual
Manufacturer Catlink
Model F04 PRO
Input 5V=1A
Rated power 5 W
Power supply 4 AA alkaline batteries (not included)
Material ABS
Dimensions 350 x 195 x 360 mm
Weight 3 kg
Purpose cats and small dogs

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