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K&F Concept E224A3+BH-18 tripod (KF09.120)


K&F Concept E224A3+BH-18 tripod (KF09.120)

37,32 €
31,1 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: KF4166

Kód produktu: 112897826

Váha: 1,04 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

K&F Concept E224A3+BH-18 tripod (KF09.120).
The K&F Concept tripod is the perfect solution for all photography enthusiasts. You can easily convert it from a traditional tripod to a desk stand or selfie stick. When folded up, it is extremely compact, which makes it an ideal travel companion, guaranteeing stability even in the most demanding conditions. With a standard 1/4-inch thread, it is compatible with most digital cameras or DSLR cameras.
Gain control over the composition of your photos
Discover the versatile possibilities of photography! The tripod features 4-section legs that allow you to freely adjust the height from just 36 cm to an impressive 170 cm, making it easy to adapt to any photographic situation. Whether you want to take a low shot at ground level or desire to capture a panorama from above, the legs allow you to smoothly operate the height of the tripod, giving you full control over the framing and composition of your photos.
Take photos from different viewpoints
The K&F Concept KF09.120) tripod is more than just an ordinary tripod! Thanks to its versatility, you can turn it into a selfie stick or desk stand in no time, perfect for taking photos from different perspectives. This makes it perfect for a variety of uses - from traveling to recording vlogs and live broadcasts.
Thoughtful design
The tripod provides a load capacity of up to 4 kg, which means you can safely mount your camera gear on it. The lack of an oil damping system makes camera movements smooth and precise, while the innovative design of the tripod s legs used makes it possible to open and close it instantly, which will save you valuable time during expeditions. What s more, the 360-degree horizontal scale makes it easy to create panoramic photos.
remote control
K&F Concept
Height adjustment
From 36 cm to 170 cm
Max. height without center column
92 cm
Max. load
4 kg
Length after folding
30 cm
963 g
Aluminum alloy
Leg Sections
Diameter of Legs
13-22 mm
Center column sections

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