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Kidywolf Analoger LED Timer


Kidywolf Analoger LED Timer

42,76 €
35,63 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: 418069

Kód produktu: 111971619

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

zásobování energií: Aku baterie
Typ baterie / aku: Integrovaná aku
Typ: Časovač
Způsob provozu: elektrisch
Max. doba měření (min.): 90
Zvuková signalizace: ano
Zobrazení: analogové
Osvětlení pozadí: ano
Barva: tyrkysová
Materiál: Plast

Kidywolf: Kidytimer analog LED timer

Kidytimer helps your child manage time for learning, brushing teeth, getting dressed or screen time in general. A timer for planning activities that helps children understand and manage their time.

With Kidytimer, children learn the concept of time and develop their own routines. With the Kidytimer, children get a sense of time and can start to behave independently!

Understanding the concept of time
Time, seconds, minutes and hours are an abstract concept and quite difficult to grasp. The Kidytimer was developed to help children visualise the passing of time: An LED light visualises the seconds, and together with the acoustic signal and haptic control, the concept of time is imprinted through a variety of senses.

The ability to pre-set the duration of the countdown allows parents to customise the Kidytimer to their child s specific needs.


Recommended for children aged 4 and over
Child-friendly design with a user interface consisting of only 3 buttons
Minute and second display & presets
Time settings per minute
Presets: 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes
Rechargeable battery via USB-C
Optional second LED strip, depending on the age of the child
Audible alarm at the end of the time

Not suitable for children under 3 years. Choking hazard due to small parts.

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