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Pristávací podvozok Sunnylife pre DJI Avata 2 (oranžový)


Pristávací podvozok Sunnylife pre DJI Avata 2 (oranžový)

11,4 €
9,5 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: AT2-LG797-C

Kód produktu: 114242148

Váha: 0,085 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Sunnylife landing gear lift for DJI Avata 2 (orange)
The landing gear lift by Sunnylife is the perfect accessory for the DJI Avata 2. Made of durable plastic and silicone - it increases the distance between the drone and the ground, protecting it from damage and debris. It also offers three adjustable heights, so you can adjust it to your needs.
Even safer flight
Raising the landing gear increases the distance between the drone and the ground, thus protecting it from damage and debris during landing. Thus, the accessory makes it easier to keep the device s sensors clean. This makes it easy to keep them in perfect condition for longer!
Adjustable height
The elevator offers three heights to choose from - 41 mm, 35 mm and 25 mm. So you can easily adjust it to different terrain conditions! What s more, the 25mm height is designed not to affect the drone s Turtle mode. Even if the DJI Avata 2 falls upside down, it will easily return to its starting position!
Easy installation and use
Thanks to the silicone straps, the Sunnylife elevation is very easy to install, while it will not scratch the drone. The accessory also does not affect the way and speed of battery replacement. In addition, the product fits the DJI Avata 2 perfectly, without obstructing its sensors or vision systems.
Lightweight, foldable design
The Sunnylife AT2-LG797-C landing gear boost is also distinguished by its foldable design, which makes it much easier to store and transport. What s more, the accessory is made of durable plastic and silicone, making it very sturdy, yet lightweight - it weighs only 22 grams. It will not be an excessive burden!
Plastic + silicone
22 g
DJI Avata 2

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