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Landing gear Sunnylife pre DJI Mini 4 N4P-LG700-C


Landing gear Sunnylife pre DJI Mini 4 N4P-LG700-C

8,32 €
6,93 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: N4P-LG700-C

Kód produktu: 109630023

Váha: 0,066 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Sunnylife N4P-LG700-C Undercarriage Height Extension for Mini 4 Pro in Orange
Sunnylife N4P-LG700-C is an attachable drone accessory that serves as a platform with four legs, which cushions the landing and protects the underside of the drone from coming into contact with the ground and potential damage. Moreover, the platform allows for landing on uneven and sandy surfaces without risking damage to the device s optics. The distance from the ground is increased by 30mm.
The mounting is extremely simple and involves placing the drone on the base, securing it with a strap, and fastening to the bottom part of the platform. The strap is soft and does not cause scratches, while also being durable.
Thoughtful Design
The design of the height extension has been precisely adapted to the drone s structure, ensuring that the battery is easily accessible and the lenses maintain full range of vision. The drone s legs have multi-level adjustment, as well as a stopper to prevent them from completely unfolding outward. However, the legs fold inward to facilitate transport.
Mini 4 Pro
Color of Legs
Plastic, silicone

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