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LEFEET P1 submersible scooter


LEFEET P1 submersible scooter

1116,03 €
907,34 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: C040001

Kód produktu: 117153595

Váha: 5,1 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

LEFEET P1 underwater scooter
LEFEET P1 is a revolutionary solution for lovers of underwater adventures. Its modular design, versatility, convenient power supply and easy installation make it the perfect choice for anyone who wants to explore the underwater world in new and exciting ways. Choose the LEFEET P1 scooter and enjoy unparalleled comfort and freedom during every immersion.
Innovative modular design
Feel the freedom of customization that LEFEET P1 offers with its innovative modular design. This advanced scooter is designed with versatility in mind, allowing you to mix and match components to suit your unique needs. LEFEET P1 introduces a range of modes that will redefine your underwater adventures, giving you complete control over every aspect of your immersion.
Versatility and comfort
The LEFEET P1 is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of ways. You can use it as standard by holding onto its housing, by attaching it to a dual-rail kit, or by attaching it to a tank or leg. Thanks to its light weight (2.4 kg) and compact dimensions, the LEFEET P1 provides exceptional comfort when swimming underwater without weighing you down.
Power efficiency and flexibility
The 100 Wh battery provides a long runtime and an impressive speed level of about 2 meters per second, and the Dual Jet mode increases it to 2.7 m/s. A Type-C adapter is included, which not only powers the device, but also acts as a 20,000 mAh powerbank. This allows you to charge smartphones, pads, laptops and other devices without worrying about running out of power.
Easy installation and operation
The LEFEET P1 is distinguished by its clever quick-connect design, which allows easy installation of the battery and accessories without the need for additional tools. This will save you time and give you maximum convenience in use.
LEFEET P1 scooter
USB-C charging cable
100Wh battery pack
charging adapter
100W USB-C charger
remote control
handle bracket
sports camera holder
safety strap to prevent loss
user manual and qualified certificate
100 Wh
2.4 kg
247 x 315 x 130 mm
Operating time
up to 60 minutes
Maximum speed
2 m/s (2.7 m/s in Dual Jet mode)
Material of construction
Hard anodized aluminum
PD 100W type C

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