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Lens Sunhood Sunnylife for DJI Osmo Pocket 3 OP3-ZG765 (silicone)


Lens Sunhood Sunnylife for DJI Osmo Pocket 3 OP3-ZG765 (silicone)

3,03 €
2,53 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: OP3-ZG769

Kód produktu: 113019368

Váha: 0,073 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Sunnylife Sunshield for DJI Osmo Pocket 3 Lens (OP3-ZG765), silicone.
The Sunnylife Sunshield model OP3-ZG769 is an innovative accessory designed for DJI Osmo Pocket 3 users who want to maximize the quality of their video recordings, especially in intense sunlight. Made of soft rubber, it not only improves video quality, but also provides additional protection for your device.
Material and construction
The cover is made of high-quality soft rubber, which makes it tear-resistant and difficult to deform. Weighing 27 grams and measuring 56 × 83 × 76 mm, the shield is lightweight, yet sturdy and durable.
Compatibility and functionality
Specifically designed for the DJI Osmo Pocket 3, the OP3-ZG769 cover does not affect the ability to rotate the screen, which is important for maintaining full functionality of the device. In addition, it does not block the image on the screen or limit the operation of the touchscreen.
Protection and improvement of image quality
The shield effectively helps avoid glare from the sun, which is crucial for clear and high-contrast video recordings, especially in bright conditions. In addition, it protects your equipment by minimizing the risk of damage and scratches to the screen in case of a fall.
Installation and durability
The quick and easy installation of the screen protector is another advantage that facilitates its daily use. The flexibility of its material allows the shield to be easily applied and removed, while maintaining its shape and protective properties.
DJI Osmo Pocket 3
Soft rubber
27 g
56 × 83 × 76 mm

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