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Náhradné filtre pre fontánu Catlink Pure 3


Náhradné filtre pre fontánu Catlink Pure 3

21,4 €
17,83 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Kód produktu: 109775817

Váha: 0,101 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Replacement Filter for Catlink Pure 3 Fountain
Ensure your pet s hydration with Catlink. The replacement filter is designed for the Pure 3 fountain. It provides 6-stage filtration, effectively eliminating contaminants. Installing the accessory is quick and hassle-free, and the materials used in its construction are safe for pets. It is recommended to replace the filter every 60 days.
6-Stage Filtration
The filter utilizes an advanced 6-stage filtration system to provide your cat with clean and healthy water. The filtering mesh effectively captures all impurities, while ion-exchange resin absorbs calcium and magnesium ions, softening the water. A special agent prevents scale buildup, ensuring a continuous water flow. KDF, in turn, removes residual chlorine, heavy metals, and anions, ensuring the safety of your beloved pet. The final layer consists of activated carbon fibers that eliminate large organic particles, iron oxides, and residual chlorine, improving the taste of water. Together, they create a comprehensive purification system so that your cat can enjoy fresh water every day.
Safety in Use
Your cat s safety is a priority, which is why Catlink filter is made from food-grade ABS material. The absence of harm to animals has been documented during a thorough inspection.
Easy Installation
Installing the filter will not be a challenge. It is recommended to replace it every 60 days to ensure hygienic living conditions for your cat.
Manufacturer CatLink
Purpose Catlink Pure 3 Fountain
Dimensions 36 x 36 x 88 mm
Weight 30 g

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