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Nintendo Switch Fashion Dreamer


Nintendo Switch Fashion Dreamer

47,57 €
39,64 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Dodanie 3-5 dní 🛈

Part no.: 10011782

Kód produktu: 107853312

Výrobce: Nintendo

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Singleplayer: ano
Multiplayer online: ano
Multiplayer offline: ano
kompatibilní s: Nintendo Switch
němčina: ano
angličtina: ano
Žánr: Simulace
Altersfreigabe nach USK: Bez věkového omezení
Vhodné pro věkové skupiny dle PEGI: PEGI 3
Max. počet hráčů: 1 - 4

Nintendo Switch Fashion Dreamer

Enter a virtual world of fashion fantasies come true, where coordination and communication merge like never before. Your new life as an influencer awaits you!

Create new outfits that accumulate likes!

The virtual space is full of muses, fashionistas who are constantly looking for new inspiration. Impress them with your most stylish outfits - and if you attract their attention, you ll earn their likes. Accumulate more and more likes to make a name for yourself as a fashion influencer!

Send likes to get new items!

Found a muse with impeccable taste? Let her know! When you give her a Like, you can use her fashion items not only for yourself, but also when you recommend outfits to other muses.

Build your brand with customised items all on your own!

The sky s the limit when it comes to designing new clothes and accessories! Customise more than 1,400 collectible items in your favourite styles and colours to give them a truly unique flair. Your creations form the basis of your brand, so recommend them to other muses and conquer the fashion world!

Play online and interact with muses from all over the world!

When you connect to the internet, other players muses appear in your world and you can grab any outfit they re wearing. And before you know it, your very own muses could be in your world.


Compatible with Nintendo Switch 
Genre: Simulation 
USK age rating: No age restriction 
Age rating according to PEGI: PEGI 3 
Maximum number of players: 1 - 4 

Multiplayer online 
Multiplayer offline 

Dimensions: 170 x 105 x 11 mm


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