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Chytrý stmievač Sonoff D1 s diaľkovým ovládaním RM433R2


Chytrý stmievač Sonoff D1 s diaľkovým ovládaním RM433R2

15,56 €
12,97 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: D1R

Kód produktu: 113690750

Váha: 0,2 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Sonoff D1 smart dimmer switch with RM433R2 remote control
With the ability to set different brightness levels, turn the light on or off, set smart schedules - the switch significantly improves the lighting system in the house. The switch can be controlled with the RM433 remote control, the eWeLink app, Alexa and Google Home.
Ideal solution for children
The switch can be an ideal solution in a child s room. In case our little one is afraid of the dark, the moment he goes to bed, the light can be set to be dimmed to 20-30%, while after a specified time, the light would turn off.
Convenience above all
Depending on your needs, you can remove the remote control from the base, so that without the use of a phone app it is also possible to control the lighting, or leave the remote control in the base and treat it as a simple switch. Using the remote control (can be purchased separately), you can instantly turn off the light without having to tear yourself away from the couch, or set one of 4 lighting levels.
Smart schedules
The switch has two new modes - sunrise mode and sunset mode. Using the app, you can set a schedule in which, as the sun sets, the light in the house turns on, and as the sun rises, the light goes out. For example, you can set a schedule in which at 6 pm the light turns on at 40%, and at 7 pm the light turns on at 100%, and turns off at 6 am.
Multiple ways to control
The device has the ability to be controlled with smart assistants such as Alexa, Google Home Asistant, but also with a remote control or an app that is downloadable for both android and iOS phones. Choose the most convenient method for you and start your smart home adventure today.
Smart dimmer
Remote control
Intelligent switch D1
100~240 V AC (50/60 Hz)
Maximum current
1 A
Incandescent bulb
200 W
LED bulb
150 W
IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
Mounting hole dimensions
62 mm x 47 mm x 32.5 mm
100-240 V AC 50/60 Hz
100-240 V AC 50/60 Hz

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