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Heiman HS2RNL-E Tuya smart ZigBee zosilňovač signálu


Heiman HS2RNL-E Tuya smart ZigBee zosilňovač signálu

25,88 €
21,57 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: HS2RNL-E

Kód produktu: 113690320

Váha: 0,155 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Heiman HS2RNL-E smart signal booster
Heiman HS2RNL-E is a smart device that effectively eliminates signal dead zones and extends network coverage with its unique design and signal amplification technology. So you can enjoy a reliable and high-quality network connection. In addition, the amplifier acts as a night light, which you can turn on and adjust its brightness using the mobile app.
Standard Zigbee protocol
The Heiman HS2RNL-E signal booster uses the standard Zigbee protocol, which ensures its wide compatibility with various network devices. This makes it easy for you to integrate the amplifier with existing smart home systems and devices.
Spare battery included
The signal booster has a built-in 720mAh backup battery, which allows the device to operate continuously for 12 hours after a mains power outage. This gives you peace of mind that your network will remain stable even in the event of power outages.
Wireless signal amplification
The Heiman HS2RNL-E effectively amplifies the wireless signal, eliminating dead zones and extending the network s range up to 70 meters in open spaces. This ensures a reliable network connection throughout your home, office or other premises.
Night light function
The device also acts as a night light, emitting a soft and comfortable light. You can turn the lamp on and off and adjust its brightness via the mobile app for convenience and visibility at night.
Manufacturer code
Operating voltage
AC 100~240V
Spare battery
3.7V, 720mAh
Number of supported devices
Max. 16 sub-devices
Communication protocol
Communication range
?70m (in open space)
Operating temperature
-10°C to +50°C
Operating humidity
?95% RH (non-condensing)
?80mm x 32mm (without plug)

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