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Držiak na telefón PGYTECH (P-CG-187)


Držiak na telefón PGYTECH (P-CG-187)

13,64 €
11,37 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: P-CG-187

Kód produktu: 112520025

Váha: 0,04 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

PGYTECH Universal Mount (P-CG-187).
Make it easy to record original videos with your smartphone. The PGYTECH P-CG-187 Universal Mount will allow you to mount your phone on a tripod, for example, and attach additional accessories such as a microphone to it. It is very simple and convenient to use, and thanks to its compact, lightweight design, you can always have it at hand. The product is compatible with smartphones with a width of 60-92 mm.
Many possibilities
Want to attach additional accessories to your phone? The PGYTECH mount will allow you to do so! On its top part there is a cold shoe interface, which allows you to quickly mount a microphone, lighting or other items. On the other hand, at the bottom of the accessory, a 1-inch hole is available, so you can conveniently mount your phone on a tripod or selfie stick.
Wide compatibility
The mount is compatible with most popular smartphone models available on the market. Thanks to its fold-out design, it perfectly fits devices with a width of 60mm to 92mm. What s more, silicone seals protect your phone from scratches and prevent it from slipping.
Thoughtful design
The accessory is very simple and convenient to use. To adjust its width, all you have to do is press the button located on the side. It is also distinguished by its lightweight, compact design - it weighs only about 32 g, so you can easily take it with you wherever you need it.
Versatile Smartphone Holder
PA, silicone
32 g
78 x 33 x 25 mm

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