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Tempered glass pre Samsung S24 Torras Install Master


Tempered glass pre Samsung S24 Torras Install Master

18,84 €
15,7 € bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladom-dodanie 2-4 dní 🛈

Part no.: X00GP121A500

Kód produktu: 114087619

Váha: 0,165 kg

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Tempered glass for Samsung S24 Ultra Torras Insta-III Master
The Torras Insta-III Master tempered glass was designed specifically for the Samsung S24 Ultra. With a hardness of 9H+, the accessory keeps the device safe even in the most extreme conditions. In addition, it reduces harmful blue light, supporting eye health. Installation is seamless and takes just a second.
Drop resistance
The Torras accessory has been tested to withstand drops from a height of approximately 2.44 meters. The military-grade protection technology ensures that your phone is protected even in the toughest situations. So you can enjoy using your smartphone without worrying about its safety.
9H+ hardness
The high hardness of Torras Insta-III Master tempered glass provides protection against scratches and mechanical damage. Even sharp objects, such as keys or knives, are unable to damage the surface of the accessory. As a result, your smartphone s screen will always look like new.
Hassle-free operation of your device
Thanks to nano conduction technology, the Torras Insta-III Master Glass provides high touch sensitivity. The fast signal transmission makes fingerprint recognition work just as well as on the original screen. Enjoy smooth and hassle-free use of your smartphone.
Easy and fast installation
The innovative auto-installation system makes installing the Torras Insta-III Master glass easy. With just one click, you can precisely mount the accessory on your smartphone screen. A special coating prevents air bubbles, ensuring a perfect fit and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Protection against fingerprints
The Torras Insta-III Master Glass is equipped with a special coating that prevents fingerprints and smudging. As a result, your device s screen will always look clean and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, the surface of the glass is extremely smooth and allows comfortable use of the device.
Eye protection
The Torras product has been certified by TÜV Rheinland for its ability to reduce harmful blue light. As a result, the eyes are less prone to fatigue and discomfort during prolonged use of the smartphone.
Insta-III Master
Samsung S24 Ultra
TÜV Rheinland

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